Wide lens pokemon
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Power Lens are an item introduced in Generation IV that adds 4 Special Attack EV points to the Pokémon holding it when it gains Experience Points, regardless.Achète et vends Wide Lens sur PokemonCardMarket, le marché internet no.1 pour Pokémon en Europe.Liste des Pokemon. Liste des Objets. Boosts de statistiques; Défense + Wide Lens: Objet à tenir. Magnifique loupe augmentant un peu la Précision des capacités.Buy FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases.こうかくレンズ Wide-Angle Lens La Loupe dans Pokémon Diamant et Perle: Nom anglais Wide Lens: Disponibilité Génération(s) * 4 5 6: Première apparition.Find great deals on eBay for lens pokemon Shop with confidence.Want to watch this again later? Sign in to add this video to a playlist. Where To Find Wide Lens: Pokemon Alpha Sapphire and Omega Ruby Donation: https.A Wide Lens is an item dropped by bosses or found in PokeLoot. Boss Pokemon. Around Wikia's network Random Wiki. Games. About; Help; Community Central; Careers.The Wide Lens, first appearing in Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum games, is a hold-item for a Pokémon that adds 10% to the accuracy.Wide Lens (Roaring Skies ROS 95) Text // Rating: 100% // Proxies // Rulings // Discussion: 0. Buy it on Amazon » Wide Lens Trainer – Item – Pokémon.Wide Lens are a held-item for a Pokémon that adds 10% to the accuracy.Wide Lens. From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia. Redirect page. Jump to: navigation, search. Redirect to: In-battle effect item#Wide.17 Jun 2016 Wide Lens is a Common flashlight addon. A thin wide lens in perfect condition. 'Pokemon GO' Cleverly Banning Anyone Who Cheats.Wide Lens: Sprites: Item Type: Japanese Name: Fling Damage: Price It's a magnifying lens that slightly boosts the accuracy of moves. Locations: Black: White.You are about to leave a site operated by The Pokémon Company International, Inc. The Pokémon Company International is not responsible for the content.D/P/P: An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is a magnifying lens that slightly boosts the accuracy of moves. HG/SS: An item to be held by a Pokémon.Wide Lens? Zoom Lens? Difference? Hey, guys, Well I suppose that Zoom lens is better on slower pokemon while the wide lens is better on fast pokemon.Best Answer: You get wide lens at the Veilsone Game Corner (1,000 Coins). Or you can get one by catching a wild yanma---they sometimes.Wide Lens. Language Title; Japanese こうかくレンズ Wide-Angle Lens: French: Loupe German: Großlinse Italian: Grandelente Korean: 광각렌즈.27 Aug 2015 Pokémon Dollar 300. Super Potion · Pokémon Dollar 700. Hyper Potion · Pokémon Pokémon Dollar 200. Wide Lens · Pokémon Dollar 200 .Wide Lens are a held-item for a Pokémon that adds 10% to the accuracy of a move.Wide Lens: Augmente de 10% la précision du détenteur. Doublonville, Celadopole (1000 jetons) Lumargile: Light Clay: Fait durer les capacités Protection.Wide Lens. Raises accuracy by 10%. Pokemon with a moveset recommending.Wide Lens. To find out what Pokemon is inside the It can be upgraded via the daycare page a total of three times. Wide Lens V 1.0 scans and identifies.1 Oct 2012 Rocky Helmet – Floor Scope Lens – 8BP Toxic Orb – 16BP White Herb – 16BP Wide Lens – 8BP Wise Glasses – 8BP Zoom Lens – 12BP.Wide Lens: Augmente de 10% la précision du détenteur. Illumis (café Un Autre Regard si vous avez pris entre 1 et 14 photos), Boutique Maison de Combat à Batisques.Wide Lens: Pokémon Tool Damage from the attacks of the Pokémon this card is attached to isn't affected by Weakness and Resistance for your opponent's Benched.Items are objects that can be picked up, An item to be held by a Pokemon. Wide Lens:.7 Oct 2013 Can you get a Wide lens? If so, where? The official subreddit for the fan games, Pokemon Zeta and Pokemon Omicron. Created using RPG .Pokemon X Y - Pokémon Trash : Toutes les informations sur ces nouveaux opus à paraître sur Nintendo 3DS, et qui incluent la 6ème génération de Pokémon.USING WIDE ANGLE LENSES. A wide angle lens can be a powerful tool for exaggerating depth and relative size in a photo. However, it's also one of the most difficult.Buy and sell Wide Lens at PokemonCardMarket, the Nr.1 marketplace for Pokémon in Europe.Wide Lens. Augmente la précision du porteur. Illumis Maison de Combat (48 PCo) Lunettes Sage Wise Glasses. Augmente la puissance des attaques Spéciales.Machamp can only be obtained by trading it, like alakazam. you will have to trade these Pokemon to make them evolv graveler to golem machoke to machamp and kadabra.Held Battle Items - Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire: Held Battle Items are the type of are items that only work when being held by a Pokemon while in battle.Let's talk about this interesting card. It allows you to hit Benched Pokemon for weakness. Electivire BCR does 30 to all benched. With Wide Lens and no Altaria.La lupa (Wide Lens en inglés, こうかくレンズ Lentes de gran angular en japonés) es un objeto.Wide Lens is better. Razor Fang - An item to be held by a Pokémon. When the holder successfully inflicts damage, the target may also flinch. (10% Chance of Flinch).Next to a telephoto zoom, a super-wide-angle lens is one of the most popular accessories for a DSLR. Most kit lenses offer a widest focal length of 28mm equivalent.By how much does the wide lens increase accuracy? I want to know to see if i could make my Luxray re-learn thunder without worrying about it not hitting.It is a magnifying lens that slightly boosts the accuracy of moves. HeartGold, SoulSilver, An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is a magnifying lens that slightly .Find great deals on eBay for wide lens pokemon Shop with confidence.Wide Lens. Items pocket Summary. Held: Provides a 1/10 (10%) boost in accuracy to the holder. Stats Cost 200 Pokédollars Flags. Holdable; Holdable_active.Diamond/Pearl Platinum HeartGold/SoulSilver: An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is a magnifying lens that slightly boosts the accuracy of moves.Zoom Lens. A Zoom Lens is a held item that increases the accuracy of the holder's moves by 20% if it moves after its target. It can be crafted.How to Get Wide Lens Subscribe for more! ALL ORAS How To’s over here!.Pokémon card #95 from Roaring Skies scan and price information.Wide Lens. A Wide Lens is a held item that increases the accuracy of the holder's moves by 10%. It can be crafted, and can also be obtained as a tier 2 special.Wide Lens: Wiki Pages. PES Wiki Pokemon Wiki Final Fantasy Wiki. Community. Community Activity; Forum Communities; Forums: Gaming Lounge; Loungin' Classic Gaming.Wide Lens from XY - Roaring Skies for Pokemon Set Name: XY - Roaring Skies: Card Number / Rarity: 95 / Uncommon Card Type / HP / Stage.For Pokemon Black Version on the DS, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "How much does Wide Lens boost Accuracy?".2 Dec 2012 Pokemon Review: Sandile, Krokorok & Krookodile Plus there's also a Wide Lens upstairs in that building, which increases the accuracy of .Wide Lens. 95. Roaring Skies. Trainer – Item – Pokémon Tool. n/a. Uncommon [ 1 ] © 2011-2016 PkmnCards. Log in. Register. Contact. This website.Damage from the attacks of the Pokémon this card is attached to is affected by Weakness and Resistance for your opponent's Benched Pokémon.But if the Pokémon that needs to switch in doesn't stand a chance to live through Wide Lens increases accuracy by 10% of the base accuracy of a move, while .The Zoom Lens, first appearing in Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum games, is a hold-item for a Pokémon that will add 20% to its Critical Hit Ratio if it moves.A Power Lens is a held item that can be given to a Pokémon. Available Pokemon. Breeding; Community. Blogs; Contribute Add a Video; Add a Photo; Add a Page;.HGSS, An item to be held by a Pokémon. HGSS, A Pokémon held item that extends the duration of the move Rain Dance こうかくレンズ Wide-Angle Lens .For Pokemon SoulSilver Version on the DS, a GameFAQs Answers question titled "Where can i obtain Life Orb and Wide Lens?".Wide Lens; Search Search all Forums Search this Forum Search this Thread Tools Jump to Forum Wide Lens #1 Jul 31, 2007. Alternate. Alternate. View User Profile.
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